Marina + Mike? The. Cutest. Ever. You may remember them from their engagement session a little bit ago - well guess what? Now they're married! Their beautiful ceremony was located at the Botanical Gardens at the University of Rhode Island, followed by a reception at the Towers in Narragansett, RI. Both locations were just gorgeous - only matched by this stunning couple. ;) I think one of my favorite things about them is even from their pictures, the love just flows out from them. Plus, Marina is crazy adorable. I've never seen anyone look happier. Oh, and check out her ring! I DIED! It's an heirloom from Mike's family and is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.Congratulations Marina + Mike! Happy, happy, love, love. <3(I absolutely adore this! how sweet is that look he's giving her?! so in love. <3 )    


Alyssa + Anthony are ENGAGED! (by Kendall!)


Isabel's Newport Bat Mitzvah! (by Jen!)