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Epic Change

Anyone been to Tanzania? Im going this summer! I found an awesome new organization to volunteer for called Epic Change (www.epicchange.org) They are taking an interesting approach to their development projects. Rather than just give charity, they find an established project, raise money for a loan to help the project's progress, then use the interest-free repayment to invest in a whole new project. Sort of a pay-it-forward approach. I have volunteered to do a photo documentary project on a school in Tanzania that they are helping. The school was established by an amazing local woman who wanted to do something about the lack of affordable education in her area, so, in 2003, she invested her own money into creating a school which started with only a few students and rapidly grew to hundreds including orphans and students with no means to pay tuition. Unfortunately, a hotel developer bought the land she was renting in Arusha and the kids were out of business...until Epic Change stepped in with a project-saving loan last December 07'. This woman created a school all on her own, and though she is recieving help from Epic Change, nothing can take away her ownership and her pride in all she has accomplished. Fascinating stuff, I think. Check out their site!